About Us
"Club Holidays & Adventures" has been formulated at the dawn of new millennium, as we were keen to set up a team of experienced incumbents to muster an organization, since we depend on experience. We have especially focused on promotion and operation of cultural and adventure tourism to India. Apart from this our aim is to spearhead in promoting adventure feast to India based from Agra, New Delhi, Chennai (Madras), Jaipur, Mumbai(Bombay) & Kochi(Cochin) Trekking; safaris-jeep & camel; tribal tours; temple tours; architecture tours; rafting; mountain climbing; monastery tours; meditation tours; skiing tours; religious tour are the fields of our operation. Localization of numerous areas of interest is everybody's passion and merits recognition. Our experts have keenly developed all our tours keeping in view the original flavor of the Country. Seeing the rudimentary India, in its original form, with the help of experts is what we are striving at